Tiny Tuesday

I joined a Book Club meeting on Zoom with my sister and friends in Australia this morning. I enjoyed it very much and am inspired to read more. I just have to find some on line books. I joined a library in Australia but none of the books I wanted were available as eBooks. Another website selling cheap books is not shipping to Austria at the moment (Covid-19 reasons). I tried one of the Austrian book chains and was able to purchase eBooks at about €5.  
I took Hubby with me to the forest after the meeting to pick some more elderflowers to make cordial. I put everything in a pot to steep and thought the flowers and the lemon slices would make a pretty Blip. The individual flowers are so tiny that I am tagging the Blip for Tiny Tuesday, even though it is not a macro. It is entirely a coincidence that the theme is Flower for today. Thanks to Trisharooni for hosting this month.

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