Beefy Lorelei

By beefylorelei

Wax off, wax on.

This is an applewood bowl.

Just made it.

Following on from my last blip I've managed to find a bit of time to turn my first bowl.

Not quite complete as still have to wire wool the last wee bits that need smoothed and then a couple of layers of beeswax to protect and polish it.

For some reason the shape reminds me of a chamber pot. Ha ha ha. Not a great selling point.

Anyway. Finding the whole process brilliant. I love the smell that gets released as its form appears and I love the smoothness that can be achieved from a lump of wood. I'm totally hooked on this turning lark.

More to come I'm sure.

Any more turners out there who can offer me any tips would be most appreciated.

Thanks for looking.


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