Photos from A Field

By RandallFriesen

Being married to a creative soul is work


Herself wants to put a little cupboard on the floor in the kitchen to hold some of the tools of her trade. Fair enough. I mean the kitchen cupboards go right to the raised ceiling. So there is space it’s just that most of it is above her 4’ 11” head.

So off to ikea we go. She stood in line for 30 minutes to get in, but she was determined. It was good to walk about a bit and we picked up a cupboard she thought would do the trick.

We got it home and in an act of death defying determination, we put it together, together. After 35 years of marriage, we can still build furniture together and nobody dies.


We got it built and moved and I can tell it’s a bit disappointing for her. It’s not what she had envisioned in her mind. Still the cheerful part of her declares let’s give it a few days and see if it won’t grow on us.

I love her for that part of her.

So I offered that if we aren’t happy with it, we can get something she’d like. That seemed to perk her up a bit.

But now we’ve got this rough pine shelf in the kitchen...

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