Growing old disgracefully



...and one helicopter that insisted on getting in on the act.

Slept in and had a quick turn around to get over to Helensburgh to pick up a pal. The sun had brought people out onto the street and I found the courage to do a little street photography. I don't like taking people without asking them if they mind, but the elderly gentleman sitting in a pavement cafe was delighted 'As long as I don't break your camera!' Th eproblem is that he then looks directly at the camera, instead of gazing out into the street - which was what I orignally saw and liked.

To the excellent Three Villages Hall in Arrochar for morning coffee and then over the rest for a gentle day in Inveraray, while my pal told me of her African travels. A stunning, still day with amazing reflections on the lochs. No sense in me blipping any of that, check out Richard's images instead. Had blackpudding and chips by the loch and watched the merganzers. In spite of the frozen edges of the loch - no way did it feel like February.

Back cosying up with the Prof and waiting for Godot Borgen.

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