Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Buzzing around

That's what I seem to have been doing all day today. The bee seemed to like this aster which is to be seen in a lot of the local gardens, clearly has a good supply of pollen for them. I'm not a fan of asters or similar invasive plants so I admire them elsewhere!

I headed out to Craigie and Hopetoun this morning. Suitably be-masked, socially-distanced and hand-sanitised. Craigie has lovely fresh veg and a very good butchery dept too. I've been buying fresh strawberries from them for a couple of weeks and I was pleased to see today that they are doing some limited pick your own too. They had strawberries and raspberries ready. I bought some ready picked and they were both delicious, the raspberries in particular were really juicy and enormous.
Back home I went into the garden and potted some things on, weeded around and generally enjoyed myself. I decided to cut back the yellow climbing rose in the front garden, which I rather think is Golden Showers. It's a very old and well established rose and I did it a disservice last year when I failed to get the ladders out to prune the top properly. As a result it was rather straggly. I know it's not really the right time of year but it looks so much better now. Like me it needed a haircut!

We went for a walk down the road to the post office, very minimal exercise today! I had a chat with a neighbour who I haven't seen since all this began - it was good to catch up. We're looking forward to a coffee soon on a day when neither of us has seen anybody else!

This evening Colin had a vestry meeting so I took on his bridge session using BBO and Zoom. It's remarkable how satisfying it is playing virtually with a group of friends. I was very grateful for Vodafone's kind gift of 6 months limitless data - free - which meant I could use my phone as a hotspot while Colin used the house WiFi which meant we both had a good signal.

Although sadly the number of registered deaths from the virus rose to 7 in Scotland today, as expected after the weekend figures were added, it is still generally down. Last Tuesday the total was 12.

Keep well and keep safe everybody then our shielding friends will be able to begin to emerge.

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