Two hard hats ?!

Not sure Grandad & Grandma's house is that bad Aidan!!

Busy day today, we met Aidan's best friend from his old nursery, S, with her mummy and daddy at Scrambles soft play in the morning. The kids always seem to pick up where they left off as though they've still been seeing each other all the time. When in actual fact they haven't seen each other since October!

After that we popped to Grandma & Grandad's (my parents) house in East Calder. They are having an extension added to their house at the moment. It's coming along well which is why there really is no need for the two hard hats! Uncle C, my brother, popped down to see us while we were there too.

A quick trip to Sainsburys in Livingston after that so I could buy Logan some more trousers. The boys just keeps growing!

Back home the boys and Daddy watched the rugby while I did a bit knitting. Before dinner and bed for the kids.

Time to relax on the sofa, ahh.

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