The Artist's Eye

By ArtistAnnie


Painting day today. Five of us did the All Blue assignment and Trish really loved the results. I did too. It's interesting how different we all are. It shows what a good teacher Trish is that her students each have their own style.

She assigned a new project though I haven't finished the All Blue one so I'll be working on that one too. I was motivated to paint so I did the assignment today. I painted from 11 am to 3:30 with a break for lunch with Shelly. The assignment was to use our self portrait as reference and paint one again on top of an old painting. When doing so, be sure to let some of the old painting show through or at least influence what you paint. I put the old painting in the extras. It's an abstract of blue jays that I worked on while I was in art camp last August. I turned the painting on its side and used it as the backdrop for this painting of myself. I put the old painting in the extras so you can see what I started with. I like this version of my self portrait quite a bit better than the last one.

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