At the allotment

We drove to Newcastle today so that Mr C could inspect #3 daughter’s allotment. We rang when we arrived and she and the children came out and we walked at a distance through back streets to get to the allotments which are at the top end of Jesmond Dene. The children got to work watering the leeks while daughter and Mr C put the netting over the blackcurrants and rasps.

When the jobs were done we had a walk to the outskirts of the city. The path got quite busy with dog walkers. We went by the golf course and reached some woods and farmland but had to turn back so that Ella could get home in time for her zoom session with her class.

I had a jolly chat with Jo in Cornwall via FaceTime. She is sea swimming every day - she has a wet suit. She is hoping to go to Japan at the end of September, travelling independently. She has been before but there’s lots more to explore. I’m envious - we won’t be going on our month long trip to Indonesia in the autumn.

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