A Light at the end of the Tunnel

Lockdown Day 81

When we woke up this morning, we could hear the boys barking and assumed they needed to go out, so Alan went downstairs but he said they were very agitated.  Then when he went into his office, which is adjoining the utility room where the boys sleep, he noticed that things had fallen from his desk onto the floor.  He also noticed some mouse droppings, so obviously we'd had a visitor, but then he realised it was still there!  There's an old cat flap into the office, so we can only assume it had got in through there.  Anyway, after a bit of a struggle, he managed to capture it and we released it outside, but not before I'd taken a photo (see my extras)

I'd arranged to meet Chloe for a walk and a picnic today, but as the forecast was for rain, we decided we'd still meet for a walk this morning but would forego the picnic.  We met at Hove Lagoon and walked along the promenade all the way to the upside down house. I haven't seen Chloe since early February, so we had lots to catch up on, and I also spotted Blipper MajicMoments sat on a bench socially distanced with his friends.  We had a chat and I asked if I could take their photo, which I've also added to my extras.   If you're reading this Az, it was lovely to see you again!

This afternoon I headed back to the tunnel to capture the progress and Req invited me in to take some closer shots.  Marcie wasn't there today and Sarah (S.o.S) was on a late lunch, but she arrived before I left.  I'd also arranged to meet Karen a Brighton Skies friend, for a walk along the undercliff walk, so she met me there and managed to get a few photos too.  We then walked almost to the marina and back so today I've done over 20,000 steps!

Whilst writing my Blip, I've been contacted by Sarah (S.o.S) to tell me that she's doing a press release on the tunnel tomorrow and she'd like to feature some of my images with credit, and of course I've agreed.  But the exciting news is that she said she has an art council grant and would like to commission me to photograph some of her projects!  I've said I'm happy to meet her to discuss it - but I've no idea where to begin with regards to what I'd charge (I didn't tell her that, of course!).

Anyway, I'll be back at the tunnel tomorrow and then the artists are having the weekend off, but now I'm off to bed so I'll say goodnight x

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