Cormorant Reflected

I think it's a youngster. It was having what looked like a lot of fun diving and flapping around in the water. A companionable walk this morning with the temperature steadily rising. Beautiful wildflowers along the river including this pretty orchid (extra). Quite a bit of giant hogweed though. The local authority will spray it but only if it is right on the footpath. It's the only thing I agree with the use of pesticides. I'm sure there must be a more environmentally beneficial way to deal with it but I don't know what it is.

Home now and I'll be in the garden. I just had some work next week cancelled which is disappointing but nothing I can do.

The pressure on governments is now to make the economy the priority. I understand that and I think if I had a business to run or I was worried about my employment I would agree. But I'm in the fortunate position of not having to worry about those things so I'm happy with the cautious approach the First Minister is taking. I simply can't imagine going in to a 'non-essential' shop even if I were permitted but I do understand the financial pressure to get things like retail re-started.

Have an enjoyable weekend everyone

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