Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Corn Bunting # 56

A much better day than expected. We went for a walk mid morning and to be honest it was a bit hot for us. The sun was out and we were glad of the gentle breeze and shadows along our route. 
I saw my first ever. One bunting this morning which I was thrilled about. Our next door neighbour is a birder and had told me that there were definitely corn bunting along the lane, but we had never seen them. To be fair, I probably wouldn’t recognise them anyway unless someone told me about them as they are just LBJs to me (little brown jobs). But when we saw this one land on he wires I managed a few quick shots before he flew away and I compared it to my Collins guide book and am convinced this is a corn bunting, so I’m counting it! 

We also saw a few Meadow Brown butterflies, plenty of whites and tortoiseshells and a couple of 5 spot burnet moths. 
The chiffchaff were very vocal and so were the yellowhammers and wrens. We did see a couple of whitethroat too, but I was too slow with the camera to capture them. They’re still on my list though :) 

A thoroughly enjoyable walk today. I hope we get another good day tomorrow too. 

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