
By Bom


After a couple of re-schedules, G, H and I managed our first walk with the three of us for 3 months. It worked pretty well considering we were spread out over 4 metres, just difficult to hear sometimes over a noisy sea, so we kept swapping who was in the middle. A beautiful morning for a walk on the beach to the outskirts of Cromer, with lots of activity with kayakers and surfers at East Runton (best in large, also see Extra). 

It was good to see the Queen at a scaled back, socially distanced military parade at Windsor Castle. It was not good to see some attacks on the Police at Black Lives Matter protests (the Police had intelligence that the marches would be infiltrated by groups intent on trouble)..

Day 90 / Day 82 of Lockdown / Day 13 of Step 2 (for my record only)
UK deaths up 181 to 41,662. Deaths in Brazil pass those in the UK. The first confirmed CV cases for 50 days have been identified in Beijing. A leaked PHE report executive summary is reported as stating that 'It is clear from discussions with stakeholders the pandemic exposed and exacerbated long-standing inequalities affecting BAME communities in the UK.'  

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