Sunday's painting...

...  I found a piece of Chinese rice paper for painting while tidying up yesterday. I do have some rolls of this paper somewhere, but I haven't found them yet. 

I used my Japanese fude pens, and some coloured brush pens. And a brush pen of water.
So, cherry blossom...

I still have a lot of stuff I am sure I have, and I need to find it. And sort it all. Because shops are not open in Wales (apart from food shops), there are no little shops or charity shops selling postcards to do my Postcrossing. I badly need to make and create postcards. Other Postcrossers are having the same problems. And yesterday I received a treasured postcard from a Postcrosser in Mexico. She was out of postcards because all shops shut with the Coronavirus, so she sent me a treasured one of hers. It is a collectible. I sort of feel sad she has done that, but very honoured too.

So I need to see if she will send me her address (you are sent postcards by random people, and I send them to random addresses I have been given, and you don't know their address unless you private message and ask...). 

So my next lot of drawings and paintings are going to be working towards postcard sized designs.

Anyway...cherry tree.

By the way the creases (from the paint and water on the paper) come out of the paper when you paste it on the white Queen Anne card. But I am not sure you can buy Queen Anne card any more. And the colour turns out more intense. So I need wallpaper paste, Queen Anne card, and a Lino roller...where is my Lino roller?

Oh, and I need to find my piece of paper Cathy Wu, my Chinese teacher, wrote my name on in Chinese, so I could sign my paintings. So much stuff to find...I do live in Dr Who's Tardis by the way....

I don't know how the rest of you feel, but since Lockdown began, I haven't had enough hours in the day to do everything, and I have been up since 3 am most days. We are still in pretty severe Lockdown in Wales, compared to England who have been granted a lot of freedom and more compared to Wales. Awhile ago I, in Wales, could only travel a very short distance, eg something like a mile to the nearest food shop. Then we were allowed to travel 5 miles to a food shop which is what it is at the moment. England does not have that restriction.

Who is the better off? England or Wales?

I will try and catch up with replies and comments.

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