
By Colgaize82

Calm Waters

As I write this, I should probably be feeling that sense of trepidation encroaching on my Sunday evening. It’s a Sunday evening, teacher style: everything that I had intended to do all day, suddenly needs doing. Now! Right now! (and lo! Here I am, preferring to write a blip).

I may pay for this blasé attitude tomorrow & throughout the week ahead but I’m willing to take a gamble.

This has generally been a good weekend; it’s felt almost...dare I say it?...’normal!’

I’ve spent time with family & caught up with friends I’ve not seen (in real life) for ages; I’ve ran; I’ve eaten cake & I’ve invested some time, revamping a playlist that started out as a joint venture but is no longer.

I considered deleting said playlist completely, but resolved quite quickly that it’s not the music’s fault & I’d find myself in the not-too-distant future thinking: “oh, what was that really cool song that I was listening to a lot at that point?”...

Every tune holds weight at different times & for different reasons & these tunes will continue to evolve- growing & shrinking as occasions & mood dictate. So, to replenish rather than discard felt like a better option.

I removed a few tracks that I didn’t actually like in the first place, alongside some which right now, feel far too insincere & difficult to listen to. These were replaced with some absolute corkers & I look forward to another long run, when I’ll be queuing them up to get them pumping through my veins. I even put an ABBA song on there. #noshame.

Speaking of long runs, the lake was at its absolute best this morning. Its tranquility was infectious (& is probably accountable for my somewhat laissez-faire attitude this evening, whilst I stoke myself up for my first 2 & a half hour A-level face-to-face “learning discussion” in the morning!)

My friend & I stood momentarily & we watched this man in his canoe; just gracefully & peacefully paddling along.

We agreed that if this sight wasn’t enough to raise our spirits, then what was?...

We did come up with a few suggestions- George Clooney being one of them, but all in all, it felt like a pretty fine start to the day.

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