
By Cumbrialass

Warm and sunny Sunday

Sunny and warm.
Stage 2 of hedge cutting. The new long reach cutter is working well.  Did the house side of the beech hedge.  

Tee shirt weather so took Fletch to AH again . We spent a pleasant and long time wandering through the grounds. 

Back home and I tackled the ivy which is growing round the upper windows in the barn. Luckily the windows open inwards so there was no need for precarious ladders. I filled a huge tub with leaves and our brown bin is full. Just as well the bins get emptied this week.

In among the leaves I found these butterfly wings. The butterfly must have got trapped up there. So I took the chance to practice with my new macro lens. Theme for this week is mini beasts..not that butterflies are beasts .I took a photo of the teeniest tiniest baby spiders and one minute little black fly which was  a challenge for focusing. 
The only beasts I can think of in my garden are slugs and snails. I may have to go out hunting tomorrow night. 

I finished knitting the blanket. Just got to "block it out"...something I've never thought if doing until I joined the online knitting group.  I can get it posted this week. Baby not due for 3 weeks..but I want my niece to get it in good time.

Thank you for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts. They're very much appreciated

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