Fersiynau ohonof i

Fersiynau ohonof i ~ Versions of me

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Rydw i wedi bod yn sganio llawer o ffotograffau'r wythnos hon.  Weithiau maen nhw wedi bod ffotograffau ohonof i ar adegau gwahanol o fy mywyd i.  Mae'n fel 'bywyd yn fflachio o flaen eich llygaid'. Maen nhw'n 'fi, ond dydyn nhw ddim 'fi' ar yr un pryd. Weithiau rydw i'n gallu adnabod fy hun neu gofio fy hun ar y pryd, ond, dydy i ddim yn gallu bod y person yn y llun. mae fel petai'n rhywun arall - mae'r gorffennol 'fi' yn berson gwahanol. Y fi 'go iawn' ydw i nawr - ac mae hynny'n diflannuac yn ailymddangos bob eiliad.

Yn y ffotograff hwn rydw i'n faban gyda fy mam, tad a brawd ar dŷ fy mam-gu.  Ond dydw i ddim yn cofio dim byd ohono fe, wrth gwrs. Rydw i'n gwybod dim ond beth oedd ysgrifennu ar gefn y ffotograff!ngos bob eiliad

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I've been scanning a lot of photos this week. Sometimes they have been photographs of me at different times of my life. It's like 'life flashes before your eyes'. They are 'me', but they are not 'me' at the same time. Sometimes I can identify myself or remember myself at the time, but, I can't be the person in the picture. It's like someone else - the past 'me' is a different person. I am the 'real' person now - and  disappears and reappears every moment.

In this photograph I am a baby with my mother, father and brother at my grandmother's house. But I don't remember anything of it, of course. I just know what was written on the back of the photograph!

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