Tuesday's painting...

...@blouseybrown gave me a link to a different kind of painting.

I had a try of it.

In extras is the canvas without the tape taken off. The main photo is with the tape taken off.

You square the paper or whatever with tape, I used washi tape. Then use acrylics or watercolours to make random marks. You are not making a picture as such. To make the marks I used the paint straight from some old tubes of paint I had. Then I used the base of the tube to spread or make marks and the top of the tube. I was working outside in the garden.

Then when dry you pull off the tape. 

You can work on it further if you wish.

My canvas is 8 inches by 8 inches.
It is probably better on a much bigger surface. Mine is rather tiny! My squares are just over 2inches each! I had intended using twigs or leaves from the garden to make random marks, but I forgot that intention...

Here is a link to You Tube to explain better.


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