Belly down to the bar...

Mama Oriole loves the Hummingbird nectar, her mate prefers grape jelly. Both are feeding like crazy along with the Catbirds who hate to wait in line.

I mowed all morning on the John Deere lawn tractor and had a quick social distancing visit from my sister-in-law with Hunter and Nora. We chatted a bit and Nora watched Finn the Chipmunk gobble peanuts at her feet(in her new orange crocs that she said are like mine). Hunter was not really happy, so the visit was short.

We are really pleased with our colorful garden and the nice low humidity weather today. Heat on the way. My only complaint at the moment is a sore gardening body and a very painful arthritic finger knuckle on my right hand. Digging and breaking up rootball on plants didn't help it.

For the Record,
This day came in warm and dry, a lovely June day.

All hands wary, the numbers go down in Massachusetts, but are rising in at least 21 states no matter what the Orange one is lying about at any hour.

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