Mrs. Cardinal surveys the groceries

In my opinion, she is just as gorgeous, or perhaps even more gorgeous that her red feathered husband. All the birds are busy today and the weather is just grand. 

We just heard from Merry's 'dentist' that they have reserved a space for her next dental extractions on July 26th. It's been two weeks since her three previous extractions and she is like a kitten again, playful, with fresh breath and a good appetite. She must have been silently hiding her discomfort as cats do, especially with dental issues. She seemed fine, but we really see a difference now. Next week she will have more blood work to see about her elevated liver enzymes, fingers crossed and the family purse wide open once more.

For the Record, 
This day came in sunny and less humid. Merry loves bird , rabbit and chipmunk watching from the screened piazza on these lovely days. So do we, lunch on the piazza in the warm breeze is a great break for T during her hectic work day.

This evening I will be attending our first in person Historical Society Board meeting since the start of the pandemic. It's slated to be an outside meeting and the weather is cooperating.

All hands happy.

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