Don?t Know Nuffink

By Mrski1

Take off

None of my pictures seemed to turn out today, no idea why! I was going to Blip a picture of a bee and post a bit of text from the side of my smoothie bottle which made me smile, but all the bee pics were pants, here is the text anyway!

Bees are good at lots of stuff. Flying, pollinating, making honey, keeping small children on their toes. But they are never the bee's knees. Nothing is in fact. Because bee's do not possess knees. Saying someone is 'the bee's knees' is as odd as saying they're the 'donkey's driving license' or the 'owl's tax return form'. Not that we want you to stop complimenting people, mind. We just don't want you to make a fool of yourself. So next time you're dishing the compliments, remember to say something is 'the bee's legs'. Fact based yet still complimentary.

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