Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Oh, this day! 
Weeding, break, transferring my photos from my bosses computer to a memory stick, chasing down the guy who'd write my recipe for my bike. He was impressed with all the details I gave him... I showed him the swish payment, I showed him a photo of bike information - well hight I think it is, and finally I showed him the number that are specific for my bike. We call it 'ram' number - kind of 'frame' number, I don't know. Then I talked to a coworker that doesn't feel well at all. She and her young son loose their rented apartment in the end of the month. They were going to move to another home, but the owners decided to sell instead of rent it out again, so... They have a room at a friends home, but that's just temporary. I feel for her and wish I could do something. I might be able to do a small thing, but I'm not sure... 
Then weeding again and in the end of my work day I said goody to another coworker. She's been my workout buddy, and we're friends. She gave me a hug and told me she's going to miss me. But, she also suggested that we'd find a gym to workout in together. Good idea! :) I'll miss working with her.
And then get my bike and cycle home... And that's when I learned the valuable lesson that shortcuts arn't necessary a shorter way... I should've gone the straight, longer way, with broader path, even though I had to cross the water. Now I cycled a bit longer to avoid the water. Well, first I missed my path and got a bit lost... then I ended up on this path. Since I haven't cycled in years, and the last bike I owned was a mountainbike without foot breaks, and the one I have now has foot breaks... I think you get the picture!  So I walked this narrow path. Didin't feel secure enough to cycle. And then there were flowers that had to be photographed...and other flowers, and poppies! Lovely red, large, bright poppies. And then I thought I'd skip going to the large road. I'd continue on smaller paths. Tried to cycle at one point but my body was so tired I couldn't get up on the bike. So I walked. Almost home I tried again, and then it was possible. When I came home I noticed that my upstairs neighbour had washed her balcony and water was dripping down the window in my patio door. Nice neighbour... not!
But, now I have vacation for three whole weeks! And, I'm going to take care of me and my plants. :)

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