Local Windmill 'De Hoop', Bavel

(pronounced 'BAH-vel')

Some extras!  Our first time out of isolation!

My mood much better but still room for improvement there.  I suppose one's nose needs to be dipped into the mud first before one realizes that nothing matters, a.k.a. it doesn't make any difference.  For better or worse, this is how I am today, this is what I've reached, no big deal and it's not bad at all.

We went out in the afternoon, when we were sure the sun was going to stay out for quite a while.  In the evening, AW left for his bridge bubble in Rucphen.  No one is in the mood to meet the whole club.  There might be other bubbles elsewhere but apparently no one needs to know.

The MOOC is almost done.  There are a couple of others that have finished and I might take them up if there's nothing else to do, but the nice thing is that they aren't live, meaning that I'll have an empty classroom all to myself.  There might be other latecomers like me, but that won't matter at all.

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