
Nectaroscordum Siculum
I bought these bulbs in Tesco, planted them and then forgot about them until they were almost ready to flower. They have a hanging head of bells like this which do have a slight honey scent (no anosmia!). They were very hard to photgraph and I used my old camera with a tilting screen.
Mr Rat was at church recording things for our Sunday service, including a tribute to our previous pastor, who'd served the church for 25 years, who died a few days ago after a long illness. 
I went up as well and did a bit of tidying in the garden in the almost rain.
Back home some sewing and this afternoon we took the car a short distance for a 10k run on the old railway and through the woods. The sun had come out by this time and it was a pleasant temperature.
The sun was replaced fairly rapidly by haar after a few hours later.

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