Up close and personal

The great COVID-19 vaccine race comes to Wilmington, North Carolina, as one of the leading vaccine developers, Moderna, has selected a clinical research site (and two prominent physicians) in the city for Phase III of its mRNA-1273 investigational vaccine product. The city’s Trial Management Associates and Drs. Bart Williams and Will Jones of Wrightsville Family Practice in Wilmington, NC, were selected by the sponsor as one of ten sites nationwide to conduct the Phase II trial of its mRNA-1273 SARS CoV-2 vaccine. Trial Management Associates and Wrightsville Family Practice are recruiting study volunteers ages 18 and older from Wilmington and the surrounding communities to participate in the trial.  You can read about this here

It is exciting that this is happening right here so close to home.  Due to my underlying health issues, I will not be taking part though.

I was out in the yard pulling up corn sprouts this morning and I pulled up a good number of them!  I then worked at pulling up some of the grass that insists on growing in my front yard garden.

Birgit came to have a picnic lunch on the back porch today and that was nice as there were thunder showers and we sat there and listened to the rain on the tin roof.  I liked the thunder too although Birgit wasn't a fan.

After lunch in the heat and humidity I decided to hunt for dragonflies and I was not disappointed.  I also watch a Mud Dauber Wasp in the grass (extra). Then I was goos and hot, sweaty and tired and knew it was time to go inside.

It's Friday people!  Happy Weekend.

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