Ananas Noire (Black Pineapple)

It is neither a pineapple, nor black. It's a tomato, and has been one of the most successful tomatoes we've grown in our fact the first summer we were here we laboriously planted many (too many) different varieties, but one, which came up unnoticed by the back fence thrived and turned out to be this variety. We have planted them in our garden every year, this year from seed. They are quite beautiful when sliced and taste delicious.

I was going to add a picture of some squash blossoms (zucchini) which were wide open a few days ago, but by today they had turned into large squash, one as big around as my wrist! We are going to be hard pressed to eat all of them and it is impossible to give them away because everybody else has them too! We have some pole beans which look like Jack and the Beanstock twining up their bamboo trellis and practically disappearing in the distance, but I don't yet see any blossoms. If they do grow beans we'll need a ladder to harvest them.

We have succeeded in staying healthy but John's computer seems to have a virus. He can't even authenticate his email address. I had to laugh when I checked the security of my own computer and after last junk clean it says: long long ago .

Will drove down to San Luis Obispso to clear his stuff out of his apartment and came back with the sign which is now in their front yard. Dana sent me a picture which I put in extras. It's all a bit of an anticlimax (especially for the grandparents) but he doesn't seem terribly bothered....He has a job at the golf course and plans to study for the CPA exam over the summer.

We're having company for dinner...yes, company for dinner. Kathy and her husband are coming and we'll eat in the patio. When I texted Kathy to see if there was anything either of them couldn't eat, she replied, 'We're on the See Food diet. You see food and you eat it....We went by Santa Rosa Seafood and got some smoked salmon. 

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