A long wet Sunday

With a recipe for broken biscuit cake requiring an input of condensed milk, I was eager to see what the contents of the tin I had lying in the cupboard with an expiry date of April 2012 looked like. Well not exactly creamy looking like it’s cousin next to it on the shelf with an expiry date this year. It was in contrast a light brown colour and tasted not too different but it looked like thick caramel. I’ve no doubt it’s just as efficient at helping with the onset of diabetes2. However I didn’t use it which is more or less the reason the tin has stayed on the shelf so long. I find condensed milk irresistible, and so it’s best not opened in the first place.

Having not crossed the threshold today barring a 5 minute dash to get some Sunday papers at 8am, I was finding it hard to get a blip, which is when the seeds of half a melon stole the limelight.
I bought 2 melons for £1 at a local shop on Friday along with 5 avocados for the same amount. Some times when I find what would otherwise be a bargain, I forget there’s only one of me to eat it. The melons have been no problem but 5 avocados are perhaps going to be more daunting, given their proclivity for turning brown.
As for Tuesday’s delivery of enough medium oatmeal to keep an industrial bakery in action for 6 months, enough said.

My day was lightened considerably by 58 minutes (she timed it!) phone call with Poppy in Orkney this morning. Thank goodness for technology- it’s so good to keep in touch with friends during this antisocial time.

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