Sunday's painting...

...Painting for today, using the Joy of Painting free course as inspiration. It was suggested to use some materials you have not used before. But I have used all my materials, so how do I do this. The lady had done some black and white work as a demonstration. So, I thought I will do black and white. 

I used the 8 inch canvas again. I was using the black Japanese Fude pen, and sprayed the canvas with water, but it went went into a mess.

I went and made a cuppa.

Then I got black acrylic in the small metal tube, and squoze it out. Then spread the black with the flat base of the tube, and drew lines with that as well. Still a mess, I should have mopped up the sprayed  water before I carried on. But I cannot now, so I carried on. I got some white acrylic in a small metal tube, and painted areas with that using the flat base at the end of the tube by spreading and drawing with that flat edge.

No other tools were used. 

I stopped after half an hour.

Here it is.

The whiter areas are nearly pure white, but it didn't photograph as white as it should have.

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