Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Day 93 Father's Day

A busy day today as I got up really early to finish my reports. Nearly 3 hours later and they were finally completed. They have literally taken me hours and hours. Thank god that job is finished for another year. I then went on the bike, had a shower, got the lunch, nipped to Sainsbury's and then started work again. I uploaded the work to the portal and quickly chose something for them to do in IT, finishing just as Dad arrived. It was lovely to see Dad and we managed a safe, socially distanced shot in the garden too. It was sunny but cold and I ended up with a blanket wrapped around me. The weather has been disappointing today as we were promised a lovely day but it rained off and on this morning and I had to keep getting the washing in.
I'm tired and fed up and need a walk to try and de-stress. I still have some work to do for tomorrow but I'm not sure that I can face it tonight.
In the news, 43 deaths and there's been a terrorist attack in Reading with 3 people killed and others injured.

Thank you Dad and Chris for everything you do for us. We love you very much. Special thoughts for Chris's dad who is very poorly at the moment and didn't wake up when Chris visited today. Let's hope he finds the strength to pull through and get better. He is the original cat with nine lives!

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