Mono Monday: Week 335 .....

.... Summer.  Or Winter ... depending on your hemisphere!

Of course it's summer here in the Northern hemisphere and I couldn't be happier!  It's my favorite season of the year ... even with the heat and humidity!  And today it's hot, hot, hot!

We had to take Cheddar to the vets this morning because his left ear has been bothering him.  We thought it was ear mites but it turns out it's a bad ear infection.  The vet sent him home with ear drops that we need to administer once a day for two weeks.  He goes back for a check on July 6. 

At the vet we weren't allowed in and had to drop him at the door. We waited in the parking lot for Dr. Breaux to call us after his exam.  Then we picked him up at the door and returned home!  

When we got home I set up the shot for my SquirrelsEtc journal and then went to the grocery store.  While I was at the grocery store I was thinking about what to do for my Summer shot on this journal.  And one of things that popped into my mind was a pool selfie as being in the pool personifies Summer for me!  I love summer!  I love swimming! Perfect!

Thanks to Laurie54 for hosting this month!

Pennsylvania COVID-19 by the numbers (as of 12:00 PM ... 06/22/20):
Positive cases in Pennsylvania  - 82,186* (an increase of 456)
Number of deaths in Pennsylvania - 6,426 (an increase of 3)
Cases in Northampton County -  3,312 (last count was 252)
* Total case counts include confirmed and probable cases.

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