A Walk in the Park

Lockdown Day 92

I was working from the clinic today and all was fine, I was given a mask to wear and Maria wore hers whenever she came to discuss anything with me, as she does when she sees patients, so I felt much happier than I did last week.  I've said before that Bex is a really good office manager, and after my concerns last week, she implemented a few rules for when I'm there.  At lunch time I went for a walk in the park which is across the road from the clinic, and there was just enough time to do a full circuit..

The weather seems to have got warmer as they day went on and tonight it was lovely and still so we decided to head down to the beach for a walk after dinner.  It was lovely and peaceful and was nice to see the ferry arriving from France.  I think at the moment there's just one ferry a day and it's purely for commercial vehicles, but hopefully that'll change soon.

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