Windmill 'De Hertogin van Brabant', Drunen

'De Hertogin van Brabant' = 'The Duchess of Brabant' -- built in 1838.

The real duchess at the moment, meaning the one who is bearing the title, is Princess Elisabeth in Belgium, eldest daughter of King Philip and Queen Mathilde of Belgium. 

Another slow day ... in my head, too.  In the backyard, the green beans were harvested and cooked and they tasted soooo good!  AW is really great in what he does best.

This was shot in the afternoon.  AW didn't come along because of his back, so I wanted to drive further than the immediate area, to Hank, where there's a really beautiful one out in the open with no buildings next to it, but the A27 was closed for maintenance (it will be open in time for rush hour tomorrow), so Almkerk wasn't an option either, so just drove on to Drunen, where, fortunately, the Duchess was facing in the 'right' direction.  It was not possible to come any closer because, like the one in Bavel and no doubt in many other places, it is part of a terrace café, and the café was closed.  It could have been open, I think, but COVID-19 restrictions have discouraged people from coming together, which was a pity today as the weather was simply divine.

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