Warehouse shopping

Warehouse clubs, as in Costco, are not your average store. The clubs are able to keep prices low due to the no-frills format they have and believe me, it's no-frills!
The problems: They are so big that I feel like I walked miles just doing our once a month stop there. The overhead lighting makes me feel like I'm in some sort of space ship. The aisles where free samples are given are backed up with people waiting for their 'free food' as if they have not eaten in months! Also, for me, there are way too many distractions for people that have problems focusing on their list! For instance, I need paper towels but out of the corner of my eye I see a nice outdoor space heater. It's winter. I don't need a space heater until next fall. Wait a minute, I don't need one at all!!!
If you can avoid the entire middle section of the store you might get away without 'all the extra things you didn't need but bought anyway' scenario. I challenge you to try!
Today and I had to make the trek there (which by the way is only around the corner) and I am exhausted from the whole thing. It was absolutely packed with people and the lines were very, very long. By the time you load up your car with not only the trunk but the entire back seat filled to capacity you get in your car, sit down (and it feels so good to sit down) and realize you have to go home and put all this stuff away so you think 'maybe if we just drive around for a while'....you know, to have a little recovery time.....
I managed to capture some birds this morning before I left for the dreaded Costco. They were very feisty and there were even a few squabbles among them. I swear this bird spotting me and gave me the look like "What are YOU looking at?"

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