
By wrperry

Thank You, Ray Hennessy

Last week I participated in an online Zoom presentation on bird photography, presented by the Maine Professional Photographers Association (Suzanne/Osuzanna was there too).  The speaker was Ray Hennessy (RayHennessy.com) and it was well worth the money and the time.  One of the key points he made was to include habitat in bird photos, to tell a story.  Better yet, he walked through processing several of his own on Photoshop, demonstrating how to keep the bird as the main subject, while leaving that all important context.  I highly recommend checking out his website to see his stunning images.

I took this shot of an Eastern Phoebe in a marshy area this morning.  It seemed like a good example of what Ray was referring to, so I gave it a try. Plus, the bird was perched with a lovely marshy green background, which made it pretty easy.

Thanks for stopping by, and for your positive comments on yesterday's yard visitor.

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