Sieze the day

By Mario

Old Relic

Today Marja is traveling to Christchurch with my sister and then back down to Wanaka to stay with another of my sisters. We went out to the Shearers Quaters for morning tea,where Marja had a chance to look at the Donkey's and KunKuni Pigs and other animals. While walking around we spied this old Austin truck under the trees left as an old relic. We finished Marja's tour of South Canterbury with a trip to view Sacred Heart Basilica which is very beautiful inside,Marja lit a candle and said a prayer for Our Tante Ida who passed away on Saturday morning in Holland. Marja had a fantastic time and certainly covered some ground in a short time. Sorry I have not been able to comment on a lot of your entries but I have had a look in,thank you all for the wonderful comments on my entries. Tonight we have our first Focus club night of 2013 with an indoor BBQ because its raining. This will be an exciting year for me having been promoted from C grade to B Grade and elected to the committee.

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