Leaden Skies and Prose

I was at it the whole day*, and by the end was pretty happy, though there’s still a small amount of wiring to do. Mostly dry, always overcast, and with a brief spell of rain. That’s the weather.
What have you been watching, MrP, I can hear you ask. Well, I’m glad you asked that. For we finished The Night Of (superb), The Innocence Files (super superb as young people would say) and started The Politician series two. I’d really enjoyed series one, but this is an absolute turkey (as old people would say). 
So we watched a film - The Vast of Night. The critics lauded it, the punters (judging by IMDB) largely said it was boring and slow. Obviously I sided with the critics. Just keep some matchsticks close to hand, know what I mean?

*they never seem to start as early as they could

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