A Visit

If this car park was always like this visiting the doctors would not be such a chore.
However under the current circumstances we would rather not be there at all really.  Mrs W has been fitted with a 24hr ECG monitor to see if they can find a heartbeat.  Personally I think we could have saved a lot of effort if Mrs W just replaced the batteries in her blood pressure meter . . .
Back tomorrow to get it removed - the monitor that is.  What a palaver.  At least we have a reasonable supply of face masks (both types) at the moment, but we would rather not need to use them at all.
Yesterday evening after dinner (and well after blipping)  we were treated to a sky full of virga clouds.  These are often referred to as ‘jellyfish clouds’ as can be seen at ‘extras’.  Well worth a blip if I had taken it on the correct day . . .

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