
After yesterday's mid afternoon siesta I woke early and sewed and listened to my book. It's Rankin's 'Doors Open'. I'm managed to stay awake for the last few chapters.

The happy couple are away to have betrothal photos taken some 2 hours from KL, at Kellie's Castle. Strange since they've been married since June 2011.

I set off on the great 'marzipan and fondant icing' hunt. I now wish I'd marzipanned the cake at home given how much I've paid for the stuff here but weight was also a consideration. It took me ages, mainly because I couldn't find the entrance of GIG supermarket but I did get what I needed. these ex-pat international supermarkets are a treasure trove - Welsh sea salt, NZ desserts, Australian Swede, French biscuits, Italian flour and Nairns oatcakes. I struggled home with about 10 kgs of shopping. I now have a cake to make. I wonder if there is a food mixer?

The other parcel arrived from the UK too. That will look very well.

Heavy rain most of the day and feels slightly cooler. I swam before the shopping. I also investigated the cake shop over at Sri Hartamas and had an expensive sandwich.

I hope there is a meal tonight. But these two will be exhausted.

This si the view looking the other way (SE?) from the balcony. The elevated dual carriageway is only silent for about 20 minutes at 3 a.m.!

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