
To most people this is not the time of year or the weather to be doing jigsaws, but then I like to be different. So alongside all the lovely blips of the glorious sunny weather, here is a bit of a jigsaw. 

For me this is ideal weather for jigsaws - too hot to do anything energetic, too hot even to sit outside. So, retreating into the cool and quiet, but enjoying the superb light, I am content to spend a few minutes at a time on a jigsaw.

I think this is my favourite jigsaw. I completed it for the first time over a year ago and am enjoying going back to it. I don't really want to finish it. I think the level of challenge is perfect, but I also love the way the brush strokes can be seen so clearly and how you put in a few pieces and a window appears, or a person. It is so amazing how, with a few brushstrokes, a person can have a character and each one is different. As Margaret Drabble said: "You become intimate with a painting".

We watched the first two episodes of 'The Luminaries' and neither of us have much of a clue what is going on. We like the setting, the acting, the costumes, but . . . I have read the book twice, once when it was shortlisted for and eventually won the Booker, and then again as part of a reading group. Doesn't help. Final of 'The Sewing Bee' tonight - I think I understand what is going on there. This is a lot of TV for me in one week. 

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