A Night to Remember

Forgive me but I feel a rant coming on;and not only I, but also Ian Rankin of Rebus fame who sent in a picture of the rubbish strewn Meadows to Lorraine Kelly’s ITV programme this morning and had it shown to thousands round the country.

The congregation of youth who packed the Meadows last night until the wee small hours of today, drinking, smoking weed, urinating and partying, left behind a sea of rubbish.
The questions are many and varied-
1)why was there no control on the numbers and activities
2)where were the police?
3)if public toilets are shut, drink should not be sold in quantity in the nearby shops
4) if the party goers can manage to carry the food in for their consumption, why can’t they carry away their rubbish?
5)Why should I not feel angry that my taxes are indirectly paying for their furloughed salaries, allowing them a summer of freedom and bad behaviour, especially under lockdown, and my enormous council tax is being used to employ a posse of men to clean up the rubbish so that the same youths can have a lovely clean space to have another get together tonight?

Answers on a post card pleased to grumpy OAP , the Meadows, Edinburgh

It’s such a shame that my neighbours and I, overlooking the otherwise beautiful green sward of the Meadows, should anticipate this good weather with a certain amount of dread when we know what will unfold before our eyes on the other side of the railings.

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