
There’s nothing I can do about the broccoli, it’s all bolted and instead of nice, compact veggie heads I’ve got a floral display. I’d intended just pulling the lot up today and planting something else but there were so many bees enjoying themselves I’ve left it for now. Who new that bees loved their broccoli? The kale on the other hand is providing lots of caterpillars with a healthy diet.
Lots of activity at one of the neighbours who seems to be building the largest garden hut known to man (extra). After watching him struggling to lift planks over the back wall, I offered to give him a hand. He hauled away with a block and tackle, I heaved away from the top of a ladder and his dutiful son-in-law manned the guiding rope below as we lowered the wood away. Plenty more lifting to do tomorrow - I offered my services of course.

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