A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Aerial Bloodhound

And then this happened this morning: while the coffee was brewing at 6:30 this morning I stepped outside to feed the birds. Sadly, I noticed what appeared to be a young raccoon dead in the road near our driveway. After a few curse words under my breath about uncaring drivers driving too fast, I returned to the house • A little after 9am my Mrs. hurried me to look out the window. A large bird was dragging the carcass off the road on to our lawn (sorry for the gross image) • Turkey Vultures migrate to ME in the summer. They forage primarily by smell and have the largest smelling system of all birds. They are nature’s clean-up crew. They are the only large raptor that does not kill their prey • They are not pretty, but they are necessary • The Cycle of Life

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