Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

A friend called me this evening and told me that he was playing football in the field outside were I live. I decided to go out and join them as a spectator. I did kick the ball once, and I also was 'misstaken' for the side frame of the goal two times... rather I didn't move away fast enough because I had my eyes on my iPhone, taking photos. It was a nice ending to a rather crappy Friday.
I got some not so fun news about my economy. It'll be really tight during the months ahead. But, what can i do? Just pick myself up (again), come up with a plan and move on. Focus on what I can control, on good stuff and fingers crossed there will be better times ahead. 
I did go out in the heat, 31 degrees today and nearly no wind, to return the fan. The person I returned it to didn't utter any surprise about it lacking the actual fan parts. Perhaps she'd heard that before. I managed to do some grocery shopping and return two library books before the library closes for vacation.

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