Double Shot Mummy


Comparing footprints

The one's on the left were taken at City Hospital Dubai for security identification purposes within only minutes of Maple being born.

The pink on the right are Bailee's, and the blue are Oscar's. They were only 8 weeks old! It was a couple of days before the twins actual due date :-) Considering Maple was more than 4 weeks early and her prints are still bigger, she was a good sized baby! I often think about how tiny Oscar and Bailee were and how far they have come. I feel so proud of all three of children. Life just wouldn't be so fulfilling without them.

I am loving being able to reason with Oscar. I asked him why he was crying today and he said he broke his ear on the corner of the table (pointing at it). In the afternoon, he told me Bailee had turned the rear aircon to hot in the car. I could then turn it to cool rather than wondering what all the fuss was about!

For the past two days we have started a little routine of giving Maple a rice cake when the twins eat their lunch. She sucks on it and giggles, and even chewed a bit off with her gums today. I think she likes the texture and new flavour.

This afternoon we went to Oscar and Bailee's friend Harrison's house to play. It was lovely as we all went to their communal playground so O and B had lot's of little friends to play with. Oscar managed to steal a chocolate mint slice (NZ) out of a handbag... he ended up halving it with Bailee.

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