CV measures #97

Loxotaeniodes formosana
Lock down has given me the opportunity to try to perfect the art of photographing Micro moths. They are especially difficult as unlike the much larger macro moths they do not appear to be calmed in any way by spending time in the fridge! Having really struggled last year, with getting any images at all, I think I may be nearer to finding the best technique this year. it seems the best thing to do is decant the moth from the tube it has been in into a slightly larger pot then upending this pot over a suitable substrate - in this case bark and just waiting till the moth has settled down. The larger pot can then be carefully lifted and the moth photographed - easy!
This is a common (but attractive) micro moth found in the southern half of Britain, whose larvae feed on Scot's pine.

Grateful today for - The ability to perfect the art of something , given time - without huge extra cost.

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