Lockdown - Day 99

An unexpected visitor this morning, found in a bucket of rather murky rainwater on the patio! I have no idea where he came from, or how he got in there, but, with no means of escape, I tipped him into the undergrowth. And yes, I did scream when he jumped towards me! Was that the right decision, I don’t know...

Talking of decisions... Now that quarantine rules have been lifted and ferries to France start running again from next week, I need to start thinking if it’s wise/enjoyable to head off on a four week camping trip, given the current situation. A lot to think about, and difficult decisions to be made...

A windy day of grey skies and showers, and a day of cooking, using up random out of date ingredients. Will I live to regret that decision? Time will tell...

Not sure yet what film is showing at the cinema this evening, another decision to be made. Decisions, decisions! 

Take care, stay safe and well...

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