Wild Weather

I do love walking in Scotland. No matter what, most people stop to say hello. It's so different to being in Surrey where nobody has time to pass the time of day. Walking the dogs today was a wet and windy affair but so many people have had a smile and a joke about our insanity for being out in the elements.

In the relative shelter of the Isles, the mouth of the Clyde may not have had the 20ft waves announced for the west coast on the television, but gale force gusts have blown all day. Rain, sleet and hail have accompanied for the most part but some rare patches of sunshine appeared and rainbows to make the day seem brighter.

Even though I find the weather quite exhilarating, being hit in the face by hailstones, flying at 40+ miles an hour, is painful! The dogs have had fun and seem to have instinctively known that the sea, that they love so much, was out of bounds today.

I don't know how long it's been since I was away from home, on my own and indulging in time for myself. The weather doesn't matter. I'm enjoying this break and I'm grateful to my brother in law for donating his house for a few days whilst he is out in South Africa. You never know how much you needed a break until you get one!

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