Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Socially Distanced Retail Therapy

We had our first proper foray into the shops today.  Heading to Solihull where we ended up in the Touchwood Shopping Centre.  

It was interesting to watch the behaviour of people, which in the main was very good and respectful of each other.  It was quiet, this is the main arcade and you can hardly see anybody.  The shops were quite quiet and speaking to one or two of the staff, they are finding it quite unusual.

We didn't stay too long.  It is something to get used to and we were glad it was quiet.  I am sure we would have left more quickly had we felt that social distancing couldn't be maintained. We came back with a bag full of items, mainly from the Lakeland shop, though L got a nice top in the sale.  It was different and when so many of the days tend to meld together into one, something of a highlight from the last three months.

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