Hungry guy searching for geocaches...

Morning was cloudy and grey but warm (+19c) and earlier than we expected, the rain started. In the evening only +16c and wet wet wet. Rain is good because the nature seemed already to need it badly.

Nothing much to mention.
Lazy day, only vaccuming and cleaning up a bit.

Finding some geocaches with hubby in the evening. Blip from the second one. Nice camo!
I had chosen so wrong outfit for the trip. I was almost soaked wet already after the first cache and hubby had to pull me from the woods as my summer shors were so slippery!
Hubby was hungry after finding this second geocachce, and asked if we should drive to the local grill. But we did not. Instead we drove to supermarket and I bought him a hamburger in a plastic bag and made him delicious cheese and egg -hamburger at home...


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