
By Transitoire


So my voice is now completely gone. I will admit this is most probably my fault; going into work and talking (although not too much) followed by meeting up with Kendra (okay, well I spoke a lot there) and finishing with a drink with Becky (and again I spoke a lot) has meant my voice has decided it might make an appearance again tomorrow. Little strange "talking" to my parents on Skype, where they talked at me then I typed...but these things tend to figure themselves out!

Back to the beginning, I was in with the sixième INTER this morning...and I got to see their presentations on European countries. And wow, how cute were they?! All of them started with a "Hello and good morning everyone", and finished with a "Thank you for listening". I was so impressed with the majority of them, and I actually learnt quite a lot about countries I didn't know too much about! It did make me laugh though when one of the students said that the attractions of Amsterdam were Anne Frank's House and bicycles...nothing on either the availability of weed, or the Sex Museums! Glad I didn't have to talk too much then, and similarly with the troisième I was only there to see what work they are doing so I know what I should be doing them in their private lessons with me.

And talking of private lessons, my final class of the day were three of the troisième INTER for their private class. Now in this one I had to talk a bit more, but not that much more actually! So to start building their confidence in public speaking, rather than throwing them in at the deep end with their dossiers, I turned it into a game in which they had to speak for one minute on a random topic. Next week I will be giving them material from their dossier to work from...but with four months to go, I think I can afford them a little bit of slack! At least right now...

My afternoon was spent with the absolutely amazingly wonderful Kendra. Just what I needed in fact, I've had a lot of things on my mind recently and...well she just knew exactly what to say. I'm glad that we finally have managed to find a time in our busy lives to see just what has been happening in our lives. We went to a brilliant crêpe place, with great service and even better food...will definitely be going back there again! This was followed by a trip to Le Tabac for a coffee and before I knew it, it was time to meet up with Becky at Tour Solidor. Again, similarly it seems like an age since I have actually seen Becky, and even longer since we've had a one-on-one session...again, a lot of things to catch up on...and once more someone managing to reaffirm that the life I have here is just amazing. Oh, and this is a picture of her, I just love her smile on this! Here's to friends.

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