If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Common spotted-orchid ( Dactylorhiza fuchsii )

I have labeled these Common Spotted Orchid because that is as near an identification as I can get.  I have grown up identifying these as such but I realise I may be wrong, so if I am help is always appreciated.

These appeared, (well the original plant did) as if by magic in one of the pots on the patio.   We weren't going to argue with it telling it it was in the wrong place.  SO the clump has over the years developed and is now showing signs of having spread to another container 10 m (30 ft) or so away.

This evening we watched a webinar put on by Cumbria Wildlife Trust entitled "Averting the Insect Apocalypse", the speaker was Professor Dave Goulson.  Very interesting, thought provoking and a little worrying.  It seems he has a number of youtube videos, so that is my watching sorted out for a while.

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